Posted in General Thoughts

A Plea for Sanity

I’m scared.

Ok maybe scared isn’t the right word; terrified I think hits the nail on the head.

I honestly didn’t think I would be this nervous the closer we got to Election Day.  I didn’t think it would be a slam dunk (remember no one thought Trump would even get a ticket to the RNC let alone come within a hairs breath of the White House) but I also didn’t think it would be a close as it is. It feels like a see-saw, one side gets up and then it goes back down.  This Election could go either way and that’s not good.

I will be embarrassed  if Trump is elected into our Highest Office (I stand by my belief that no matter what, this election will hold a first; either we elect the first Woman president or we elect the first internet troll). So yeah this is the first time in all the years I’ve been able to vote that I feel utterly terrified of what the outcome could be. Trump is a misogynistic, racists asshole who will make us the laughing stock of the entire planet. This man talks about building walls that Mexico will pay for, banning Muslims, that his hands prove he has a big penis, grabbing women by their pussies,  and  with all that and he is still a viable candidate. While Howard Dean screamed like a banshee and that derailed his presidential run.

Oh how I long for the screaming days

 So I beg, I plead, I implore you all don’t let this country fall into the hands of a 6’3 Oompa Loompa and his bible thumping Race Bannon looking partner. We took some amazing steps forward in the last 8 years. Don’t force us to take 50 steps back. Fine you don’t like Hilary because she is shady, guess what THEY ARE ALL SHADY!!!  This election is too important to not vote because YOUR preferred candidate didn’t make it  , its too important to vote 3rd party because yes you will be splitting the vote, it’s too important to simply be blasé about it. On Nov 8th bite down on that leather strip, grind your teeth into nubs in frustration and vote for Hilary because, seriously , do you really want to see this orange faced baboon for the next 4 years…



Funny, smart, outgoing, personable these are just some of the words used to describe your friend and humble narrator. He is originally from San Francisco and was thin enough to be allowed to come to LA. He is a writer by passion and writes as if no one is reading, which means a lot of spelling and grammatical errors. He has a love for low brow humor and an addiction to movies, live theater, music, books and sugar cereals.

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